10-15 July 2022
Collegium Maius & Theranostics Center
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Invited talk: Sensitivity of the deeply bound pionic atoms to the pion-nucleon sigma term

12 Jul 2022, 15:20
Collegium Maius

Collegium Maius

Jagiellońska 15 Street


Dr Natsumi Ikeno; Tottori University, Japan


The deeply bound pionic atom is known to be a very useful system to investigate the pion properties and the aspects of chiral symmetry at finite density. The pion-nucleon sigma term σπN is one of the essential quantities to investigate the value of the chiral condensate in the nuclear medium. However, the σπN value has not been determined accurately enough. Therefore, it seems to be very interesting to determine the σπN value by the deeply bound pionic atoms.

We have theoretically studied the sensitivity of the observables of the deeply bound pionic atoms to the pion-nucleon sigma term σπN to investigate the possibility of the precise determination of the value of σπN by the accurate data of the deeply bound pionic atoms expected to be obtained at RIBF/RIKEN. I will give a presentation based on the paper of Ref. [1].

[1] N. Ikeno, T. Nishi, K. Itahashi, N. Nose-Togawa, A. Tani and S. Hirenzaki, arXiv:2204.09211 [nucl-th].

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