Chemical and conventional ammunition dumped in the Baltic Sea and the Skagerrak contain a wide range of hazardous substances. Considering the growing use of the seabed for economic purposes (offshore wind farms, pipelines etc.), the likelihood of disturbing dumped containers with chemical warfare agents, causing direct emissions to the surrounding environment and risk of human and wildlife...
Application of Neutron Activation Analysis for revealing isotopic composition of the content of sealed containers catches attention of any security officer. It is a matter of fact though, that neutron radiation is not easy to handle, and any device employing it in its operating principle is bound to include tricky solutions to a number of challenges. One of them is enormous background which...
A Monte Carlo N-Particle transport code (MCNP) is exceptionally useful tool for many nuclear systems designing and its optimization. The code is widely used in many task concerning nuclear reactors operation, homeland security, threat detection using neutron sources, radiation safety and many others. Basically, the MCNP work principle is based on transportation of particles through virtually...
Two types of apparatus neutron sources are present at IFJ PAN: neutron generator (IGN-14) and two plasma focus devices (PF-4 and PF-24). IGN-14 is a pulsed deuteron accelerator which generates 14 MeV or 2.45 MeV neutrons, when a tritium T/Ti or deuterium D/Au target is used, respectively. The plasma focus is a device that produces, by electromagnetic acceleration and compression, short-lived,...
The presentation will cover modern techniques for developing data acquisition systems capable for high-level processing of data in real-time regime.
GEANT4-based Monte Carlo simulation has been performed for a cylindrical shape single-crystal scintillators in order to evaluate the possibility of using position sensitive response of the silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) array to perform gamma sources localization with the target on pulsed fast neutron analysis (PFNA). PFNA utilized microsecond wide fast neutron pulses produced by electronic...
Dominika Madej
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics
al. A. Mickiewicza 30
30-059 Krakow, Poland
Many different types of hydrated cement composite materials and concretes, which contain light and heavy elements, have been used in building construction and radiation shielding for years.
One of the main points about popularity...