12-13 September 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Application of the anti-Compton shielding in the gamma spectrometer of the SWAN neutron explosives detector

13 Sep 2019, 10:25
Oral presentation Neutrons in Homeland Security


Michał Gierlik (NCBJ)


Application of Neutron Activation Analysis for revealing isotopic composition of the content of sealed containers catches attention of any security officer. It is a matter of fact though, that neutron radiation is not easy to handle, and any device employing it in its operating principle is bound to include tricky solutions to a number of challenges. One of them is enormous background which can overload any acquisition system. We present the detection setup of the SWAN neutron explosives detector, designed to suppress the background of incoming gamma radiation.

Primary author

Michał Gierlik (NCBJ)


Arkadiusz Urban Jarosław Szewiński Joanna Iwanowska Maria Szeptycka Radosław Marcinkowski Stanisław Borsuk Stefan Korolczuk Tadeusz Kozłowski Tomasz Krakowski Zbigniew Guzik (NCBJ) Łukasz Kaźmierczak Łukasz Świderski

Presentation Materials