23-28 June 2019
Collegium Maius
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Positronium for foundamental studies

25 Jun 2019, 09:05
Collegium Maius

Collegium Maius

Jagiellońska 15 Street, Kraków
invited talk Tuesday


Roberto Sennen Brusa (Dep. of Physics, University of Trento and INFN-TIFPA)


The fundamental interaction of positron with matter and the mechanism of positronium formation are briefly introduced. Then, recent advances in fundamental experiment with many positrons bunched beam for the production of positronium in vacuum are presented: formation of antihydrogen by charge exchange, excitation of positronium in long lived states. Planned running experiment with long lived positronium at CERN and in the Trento antimatter laboratory are detailed.

Primary author

Roberto Sennen Brusa (Dep. of Physics, University of Trento and INFN-TIFPA)

Presentation Materials