The HADES detector is a versatile detector specialized for dilepton and strangeness measurements at GSI/FAIR [1]. It has been recently updated by an electromagnetic calorimeter, and a new RICH photon detector. In this year an additional Forward Detector (FD) will be installed. It will extend an acceptance of HADES at forward angles ( 0 to 6.5 degree ) essential for many reactions channels. The Straw Trackers are currently assembled by the Krakow and FZ Juelich teams, based on developments for the PANDA Forward Tracker [2]. As this detector will operate in a field-free region the particle identification has to be performed based on dE/dx and time-of-flight measurements. Additionally, the straw tube tracking stations will be used for reconstruction of off-vertex decays. The increase of acceptance will play a significant role in studies of N(π)+N and p+A reactions where this detector is essential for exclusive channels and PWA analyses of hyperon production and decays like for example Λ→p π, Λ (Σ) → Λ e+e- (hyperon transition form-factors) and Ξ- → Λ π-. In the present contribution the feasibility studies of hyperon reconstruction together with performance of the tracking detectors obtained in various test will be presented.