23-28 June 2019
Collegium Maius
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Measurement of $\pi^{0}\pi^{+/-}$ photoproduction off the deuteron and D-butanol targets

28 Jun 2019, 16:05
Collegium Maius

Collegium Maius

Jagiellońska 15 Street, Kraków
talk Friday


Debdeep Ghosal (University of Basel)


The research work of Nuclear and Particle Physics group at University of Basel is centered around Hadron Physics sector. Photoproduction of Mesons provides an efficient tool for the study of decays of nucleon resonances and the excitation spectrum of hadrons tells us about the internal degrees of freedom. Thus to know the internal structural details of nucleons and mesons, investigation of excited nucleon states via photoproduction of mesons and the modification of the properties of nucleon resonances and mesons are being studied quite extensively.
Our group is involved in some international collaborations among which the research works related to photon induced meson production are carried out in Crystal Ball A2 with MAMI(Mainz) and Crystal Barrel ELSA(Bonn) collaborations.
In the presentation, research involved in the Crystal Ball experiment in MAMI as well as my analysis work including few preliminary results in the context of photoproduction of double pions with unpolarized and polarized deuteron targets will mainly be discussed.

Primary author

Debdeep Ghosal (University of Basel)

Presentation Materials