13 November 2023 to 30 June 2024
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Legacy of the Borexino experiment

10 Jun 2024, 13:15


Marcin Misiaszek (Jagiellonian University)


Borexino is the first experiment to have systematically codified techniques needed for studying neutrino physics with a threshold down to about 100 keV, reaching unprecedented levels of radiopurity. Currently, today's rare events and low-energy neutrinos experiments ( as e.g. Juno, searches for dark matter and 0nbb decay) all have a program to obtain good radiopurity, which largely derives from Borexino. The experiment has closed a great circle of sky knowledge, opened in 1938 by Bethe and von Weiszackers' hypothesis on the pp and CNO cycles as engines that power the Sun and stars, by means of a multitude of measurements that give the entire spectrum of solar neutrinos and tell us how the Sun and main sequence stars work. During the talk, the most important results and experimental details will be discussed.

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